Research Services - from design and execution to data analysis




Our Services Include:

  • Full study design
  • Tracking studies
  • Usage & attitude studies
  • Focus groups
  • Online surveys
  • Data analysis
Our Unique Methodology

Over the past ten years it has become more challenging to execute customer satisfaction surveys by phone. Innotech has been instrumental in developing a unique methodology to circumvent issues encountered in traditional approaches when gathering customer opinions.

The survey card approach is the solution to the difficult task of gathering customer opinions. The process is as follows. Cards are printed in English and if required in French describing the survey as well as providing a website address and a unique PIN number. The recipient of the card accesses the website, enters the PIN to gain access to the online survey. The client has the ability to look up topline results 24/7.

The cost to complete surveys using this methodology is at least 40 percent lower compared to a phone survey. Cards can be appended to correspondence sent to customers, owner manuals as well as distributed at parts and equipment counters patronized by contractors and technicians. This results in timely customer satisfaction opinions.

Contact us for services not listed here.